Clip DescriptionNext up for kae is a little personal time with luther. Instead of the usual way we do luther we changed it up a bit. This time I arm chair quarterback the cock sucking from a tv monitor sitting just behind kae and her taskmaster. Oh, and I also enjoy a cheese sandwich and a coke as I watch. Oh my, she sort of made love to this thing, to luther. I don't think anyone has quite as sexily sucked luther as she did. I mean, her mouth is open, her eyes are wide open, her tongue can be seen working the shaft, she has grabbed luther by the frame, her long red hair and pale skin a compelling contrast to what she's tasked to do. At one point I command the tv to spit on luther and then she does --not only on luther but herself as well. She gags, she shakes her head, she deep throats it. She meets luther.
Clip Duration: 5 minutes |
Format | Size | wmv | 34.05 MB |
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